Simplifying Dining Payments

payment app

Billfy: Streamlining Restaurant Payments Through Design Billfy is a mobile application designed to facilitate seamless payment experiences for restaurant-goers. As a UI designer, my role was pivotal in conceptualizing the brand, crafting the logo, and prototyping the app’s main flow. Challenges: The primary challenge was to eliminate the friction points commonly associated with restaurant payments, thereby […]

Life-saving app for contact with dangerous species in nature

Life-saving app for contact with dangerous species in nature

This project is a life-saving emergency mobile app designed for individuals who are at risk of being bitten by a venomous snake or encountering other dangerous animals or plants in nature. The app incorporates cutting-edge technology and a user-friendly interface to provide detailed information on different species of dangerous animals and plants. The app features […]

Secret Chat App

Secret Chat app

An overview for this Chat app, Contacts, Rooms and Chat Screens. Goal was make it look similar to some iOS apps that are familiar to users